Jesus said that God is Spirit and should be worshiped in spirit and truth. But the truth does not exclude the need of a special place of prayer, an environment in which we are specially disposed to the Divine presence, just as Jesus went of to the desert or the mountains to pray. The danger of all shrines and sacred places is the temptation to view what lies outside their boundaries as secular. The entire cosmos is God's temple and within it are billions of shrines. All land is holy land, but we easily forget that reality. Special, set-aside sacred places place and spaces remind us that all space is sacred.
Let us purify our inner most ecology and continue God's creation as His Co-creator, Co-redeemer and Co-sanctify-er...
People did not weave the web of life, We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, We do to ourselves......-attributed to Chief Seattle, 1854