Biyernes, Agosto 26, 2011

Spirituality and Inner Ecology

In ancient times, every home had its shrine to the God's and Goddesses. These were small altar areas where sacred images were displayed. To create such a shrine is thus to return to our religious roots. And just as the Earth has its particularly sacred place mountains, river, lake ocean  and shrines of natural beauty- so the personal world of the planetary pilgrim should reflect the wisdom of creation.
Jesus said that God is Spirit and should be worshiped in spirit and truth. But the truth does not exclude the need of a special place of prayer, an environment in which we are specially disposed to the Divine presence, just as Jesus went of to the desert or the mountains to pray. The danger of all shrines and sacred places is the temptation to view what lies outside their boundaries as secular. The entire cosmos is God's temple and within it are billions of shrines. All land is holy land, but we easily forget that reality. Special, set-aside sacred places place and spaces remind us that all space is sacred.
Let us purify our inner most ecology and  continue God's creation as His Co-creator, Co-redeemer and Co-sanctify-er...

People did not weave the web of life, We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, We do to ourselves......
                                                                  -attributed to Chief Seattle, 1854

The Ancestor of us all was.....

...a single bacterial cell floating in a warm, shallow sea, 3 1/2 billion years ago. All other life developed from this first simple cell. Each new kind of life was related to the kind that came before it in a long, long chain of life. This changing of one form of life into another over time is called evolution.
Three shapes of bacteria
We know bacteria were the first living things on the planet because scientist have found their fossils in Earth's oldest rocks. Each bacterium was just one cell, so tiny that it was invisible. You'll be needing microscope to see their fossils.
The ancient bacteria looked like the bacteria that are alive today....  

Mabuhay Balls a Home for Millions of Beneficial Microorganism

Newly formed Mabuhay Balls....ready for Anaerobic fermentation
Mabuhay Balls after Anaerobic fermentation it will be Air Dry..
Activated Mabuhay Balls Ready for Dropping in Estero, River and lake...
the Mabuhay Balls is a super compact mud house for millions of effective micro-organisms that are fermented in molasses, fish powder and rice bran and conditioned with ceramic powder and salt. when dropped in the water system,the mud ball will break down slowly and will mix with sand and silts. Within a week, the micro-flora will grow in the area. They will cling to the stones, wood and other organic matter in the bed. These are the beneficial micro-organisms that will breakdown sludge, oil and other organic matter, and hasten their decomposition. Pathogenic micro-organisms are also neutralized upon contact. As the heavy substances in the water gets digested and diluted, the oxygen content of the water increases, and life slowly returns on site. One tennis ball size mabuhay ball is needed for every cubic meter of water. The beneficial micro-organisms grow in both fresh and salty waters. They can remain potent for about 180-200 days. This organic water technology is best for regenerating polluted and contaminated water system, and in maintaining good water quality and micro-nutrients in fishponds and other bodies of water - fresh or saline. Plastics and other hard materials are of course difficult to breakdown organically. They will have to be taken out of the water regularly. however when the water is cleaner picking of solid wastes in the water is a little better. Thanks to this microscopic life form.....